Thursday, December 28, 2006

Have u ever?

Again…. Smakin hr makin gk jelas.. Lagu TIME mengalun lagi..
Dunno, I just feel this lonliness n emptiness keep making me like a …
I’m just standing here, waiting….patiently…

Sdikit curhat aj… what d u feel when u see ur bestfriends walking with their boyfriends? Or when u see ur friends get married with their lovely soulmates?

And d u know what I feel?
Have u ever? Right now, I realize that, even to have a bestfriend, it’s difficult…! I mean, like in highschool or sometime in our younger days..a friend whom u can tell anything, share stories together, laugh n cry together,etc.. It’s really difficult right now! While my girl bestfriends finaly cannot ‘fully’ listen to my problems or even it’s hard to hang out together, b’coz they’re already have boyfriends! Nope.. no, I do not blame them for this case, they’re still my bestfriends n I really like to see those couples.

I like being’s free..I really enjoy it, but..

Have u ever? Couples of time ago I might be fell in someone’s’…but I think that was not love anyway! The right thing is now I’m really sure it’s NOT LOVE!! Gosh, can u imagine… many..even, so..soooo…many boys in my campus (ITB) but no one can steal my heart! Hosh hosh.. kinda tired to ‘looking2’. Then, I don’t have someone whom I can share with.. (?)

Have u ever? D u believe that cwe sahabatan ma cwo itu ‘compeletely..truly.. fullly.. bnar2’ murni sahabat?? Huh, ada gk y? Yg pasti kesimpulan slm ini, cwo slalu ada maunya…klo ud dpt, maunya tmbh banyak.. hhhh…well, mgkn hanya random sampling, not all…

Soal perasaan…
Have u ever? In one time u just feel like..ooh, I like him, I think I kinda feel some love electrical shock with him…he’s very adorable, whooaa.. n then another time u feel like…hah? Who wants to b with him?! That’s a nightmare for me! Hhhh… he’s very annoying! Na-ah, I can get a better one..!

Have u ever? if.. in one time, u feel u like ‘this’ boy n hate ‘that’ boy.. but, next time.. it’s changed! U feel you’re in love with ‘that’ boy n really hate ‘this’ boy… kinda strange, huh?? What a crazy feeling… n then, now u hate ‘this’ n ‘that’ boy... burn every memories between them n start to feel alone or start ‘looking..looking..’ for someone new.. eheh…

Have u ever?
Feel like bored to ‘looking…looking..’ b’coz u finaly realized that u demand too much criteria for ur next ‘partner’, so you haven’t find him. Then, u feel like…haaah.. let my momma do this n search ‘him’ for me! I give it up 2 u, mom..!

Hehehehehehe…. =P

Have u ever? U find it difficult, so u decide to concentrate on what u’re doing right now… study hard..try to be a good student… workaholic… finished ur lecture… sleep in laboratory… yuck! That’s really not me..

Have u ever? Try to forget all the things above…!! Then, stop writing.. and get ready to sleep…….

*_____sleep with lonliness___*
….ZzzZzz… (-__-)

Monday, December 11, 2006


bosen...... bosen dgn sgl perkuliahan......!!!
gtw d, lg gak mood aja ama yg namanya kuliah, dsb...hehehe....parah pdhl minggu dpn ud UAS, tp blum ngerti apa2... tak tahu lah semester ini bner2 gawat...

eh, tau gk sih... kmrn pas brngkt kul di kampus tiba2 ada anak kecil cwo..balita.. lari2 gitu di depanku, gendut... lucu... trus ibunya di blkng yang manggil2.. hihihi...luthu bnget anaknya...
Trus tiba2 jd kepikiran aneh... pngen punya anak...huahahahaha......... (yang ini gak lucu!). trz biar anaknya lucu, ndut, cakep (ups) berarti nyari bapaknya hrus yg chubby jg ya? gk terlalu item, trz good looking (?)... eheh... knp nih?

Trz hari Sabtu kmrn ke nikahan teh kiki... my senior in EL, she's 2003... blm lulus ud nikah, keren tuh... dket2 UAS gini pula.. hmmm.... aku tiba2 jd kepikiran gitu tema nikahan.. lucu kali y klo kawinan di CONCERT HALL...!!!! jd di tengah tuh panggung buat pasangan yg nikah gt n ortu.. di sisi kanan panggung buat orchestra... sisi kiri panggung buat band... trz yg dateng pake tiket (yg berupa undangan), dekor nya bner2 seni-modern-futuristik dgn makanan yg dibagi2 per section... trz pengantennya pas dateng bkn jalan tp pake kyk konser Sarah Brightman gitu... pake tali yg digantung terbang n diturunin pelan2 ke pelaminan diiringi oleh shalawat (hehe...).

Yah.... itulah konsep perkawinan yang aneh..... tp lucu jg..
Intinya sih : CARIIN CALON dunx.....!!!!! =P